Red Pedagogy. 10th Anniversary Ed. (Ltd Qty)

SKU: 9781610489898

Sandy Grand
Grade Levels:
College, University
Multiple Nations
Book Type:
Rowman & Littlefield
Copyright Date:

Sale price$77.00


Red Pedagogy is the tenth anniversary edition of the 2004 work. This intergenerational scholarly work contributes to critical theory and the theories of Indigenous education by challenging dominant and competitive models of thought. In so doing this work proposes new paradigms and epistemologies of Indigenous ways of thinking and knowing. Divided into seven chapters, the original work Red Pedagogy is presented to now include a series of responses to Grande’s themed chapters. Both Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars critically discuss the structures, processes and discourses of settler colonialism. The work begins by mapping the terrain of struggle from genocide, colonization, resistance to Red Power and Red Pedagogy through responses on critical theory, Red pedagogy and Indigenous Knowledge and undoing colonialism. The proceeding chapter locates this work in competing moral visions at the crossroads of democracy and sovereignty. In Red Land, White Power the responses are on science, land justice and power. American Indian geographies of identity and power focuses on how questions on identity and authenticity obscures sociopolitical and material conditions of American Indian communities and two responses to this. Chapter 5 discusses Whitestream feminism and the colonialist project towards an Indigenista theory, while Better Red than Dead focuses on sovereignty and struggle for life and refusing colonialism and white supremacy. The closing chapter is a teaching/learning Red pedagogy presented through six responses and reclaims Indigenous peoples’ environment through language to assess Marxist-derived critical theories of capitalism and Indigenous critical analyses of colonialism. This work contextualizes the question as to whether prevailing critical theories encourage emancipation, decolonization and democracy for Indigenous peoples.

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