Ukaliq and Kalla Go to the City, Level 8 is a humorous story uses a repeating sentence structure to help children follow Ukaliq and Kalla on their adventure. This 24-page leveled reader follows the two friends as they fly by plane to the city for the first time. Level 8 readers feature 12 to 24 pages, with one to three sentences per page. Dialogue is introduced in this reader as the friends check in to a hotel, watch a hockey game, go to a museum and go to a restaurant. For fun, the friends attend a hockey game where the pair have fun cheering for the home team. At the end of their busy the friends return to the hotel and anticipate the next day's adventures in the city. The colour illustrations assist readers with details but find more information in the text. Inhabit Education has produced an excellent reading series that appeals to southern and northern elementary students and reading teachers. The books in this series are leveled according to the Fountas and Pinnell system. Fountas & Pinnell: J. Grade 1. Audience: Ages 5-7.