By Sandra Lamouche, a nêhiyaw iskwêw (Cree woman) from the Bigstone Cree Nation in northern Alberta. Illustrated by Mando Littlechild, a Treaty 6 nêhiyaw First Nations artist from Maskwacis, Alberta.
Pimohtê, come walk this way. Let's count in Cree the birds we see!
Let's go on a walk and practice our language!
What birds will we see? I see one sîsîp / pêyak little duck!
In a celebration of the connection between language learning and the land, a young child enjoys a walk in nature and spots different birds while practicing counting from one to ten in Plains Cree. With bright illustrations, rhyming clues in English and pronunciation guides on every page, pêyak little duck is a friendly introduction to Plains Cree and a celebration of the beauty of springtime in the Prairies and the Plains. 12 Colour illustrations , 1 Tables, colour.