Power Struggles

SKU: 9780887557057

Steven M. Hoffman, Thibault Martin
Grade Levels:
College, University
Cree, Innu, Inuit, Subarctic
Book Type:
University of Manitoba Press
Copyright Date:

Sale price$34.95


Power Struggles: Hydro Development and First Nations in Manitoba and Quebec contains twelve papers originally presented at a 2003 conference that discussed the process and impact of hydro electric power projects on the First Nations of Quebec and Manitoba. The papers address the Wuskwatim Dam Project, Paix des Braves, and the Great Whale Project, as well as the modern treaties the projects and governments employed with the First Nations impacted by the mega-projects. The overall point of interest asks the question about the processes as something new for Canada or will the general colonial approach prevail in any new projects of this nature. The contributors include Gabrielle A. Slowey, Romuald Wera, Thibault Martin, Marc-AdÚlard Tremblay, Jules Dufour, Eugenie Mercredi, William Osborne, Steven M. Hoffman, Peter Kulchyski, Kenneth Bradley, Lydia Dobrovolny, Romeo Saganash, RenÚe Dupuis, Paul Charest, and Paul Charest. The book contains several maps, a bibliography, and index.

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