Loyal Till Death : Indians and the North-West Rebellion - Revised

SKU: 9781771770217

Blair Stonechild, Bill Waiser
Grade Levels:
Ten, Eleven, Twelve, College, University
Cree, Metis, Plains
Book Type:
Fitzhenry & Whiteside Publishing
Copyright Date:

Sale price$21.95


Loyal till Death: Indians and the North-West Rebellion is an important history of First Nations participation in the North-West Rebellion in 1885 reissued in 2010. Historians have long maintained that Indians supported Louis Riel and the Metis during this uprising. Blair Stonechild and Bill Waiser set the record straight after thoroughly researching government archives and interviewing First Nations elders. Their findings support the position of the elders who insist their relatives remained faithful to the Crown and upheld the treaties. Government and historians have portrayed the Indians as disloyal and in fact kept records on all western communities and their leaders. This fresh look at the historical record verifies that the Indian Nations of the Canadian West remained loyal and that there was only sporadic and isolated support for Riel and the Metis. The myth of an Indian-Metis alliance has been shattered by this exhaustive study. The authors have included more than 100 archival photographs, and an appendix of the government's list of disloyal community leaders. Recommended for senior high school and university courses in Native Studies and Canadian History. Loyal till Death - Indians and the North-West Rebellion is an authorized student resource for Alberta Education 10, 20, and 30 high school courses. Finalist in the Governor-General's Literary Awards.

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