Indigenous Life in Canada : Governance (HC)

SKU: 9781773081199

Simon Rose
Indigenous Life in Canada: Past, Present, Future
Grade Levels:
Four, Five, Six, Seven
Heiltsuk, Inuit, Iroquois, Metis, Multiple Nations
Book Type:
Beech Street Books
Indigenous Life in Canada: Past, Present, Future
Copyright Date:

Sale price$31.95


Indigenous Life in Canada: Past, Present, Future is a set of 32-page books written by Simon Rose for Beech Street Books. Designed for elementary students from grades 4 to 7 the books offer introductions to the history of Indigenous Peoples in the story of Canada. One of the volumes is Governance and discusses how First Nations governed their communities and nations, how these methods were challenged and damaged by the impact of a settler nation through legislation such as the treaties and the Indian Act, and how First Nations are working to keep their sovereignty and the right to govern themselves and protect their territories. An example of a governing democracy includes the Iroquois Confederacy and the Heiltsuk of the Pacific Northwest. Additional topics include the Assembly of First Nations, as well as brief accounts of leaders such as Harold Cardinal, Elijah Harper, and Roberta Jamieson. Examples of self-governing jurisdictions are Nunavut, and Tsawwassen First Nation. The book provides a 32-page account for students new to this topic. It presents colour and archival photographs, a glossary of terms; suggested references; and an index.  The book contains simply written text illustrated with maps, charts, contemporary photographs and paintings. Each book has brief sidebars of additional details about a topic as well as suggested framing questions that assist students in using the historical inquiry method. Cultural content advisor is Agnes Pawlowska-Mainville, Assistant Professor, First Nations Studies, University of Northern British Columbia. Levelled Guided Reading: V. Recommended.

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