Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada is produced by Canadian Geographic in partnership from Assembly of First Nations, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, Métis Nation, National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation and Indspire. This four volume set provides maps, colour and archival photographs and informative text for secondary level students as well as adult learners. Volume one is about First Nations and has 56 topics including: Definitions; Residential Schools; Reconciliation; Environment; Food; Justice; Trade; Economy; Sport; Treaties; Language; Governance; Origins; Community; Frequently Asked Questions and more. In the Inuit volume the various authors write about topics such as Nunavut; Early History; Colonialism; Family Structures; Traditional Clothing; Wildlife; Climate Change; Sea Ice; Permafrost; Health; Housing; Games; Visual Arts; Filming Making; Inuit as Circumpolar People; Frequently Asked Questions and more. The Métis volume contains topics such as Identity; Fur Trade; Language; Veterans; Northwest Resistance; Road Allowance People; Activism; Métis Today and more. The Truth and Reconciliation volume covers the history of residential schools; redress and healing; litigation; road to reconciliation and frequently asked questions. The volumes contain 48 highly detailed reference maps over the 328 pages and contains a glossary of terms and timelines. With the partnership of Indigenous political organizations and the inclusion of Indigenous authors, Canadian Geographic has created a must-have reference set. Highly recommended.
Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada Giant Floor Map
We also provide a resource to assist you and your students in understanding the past, present and future of Indigenous Peoples in Canada, which is available on our website. We highly recommend that you use this resource as a starting point and reach out to Indigenous communities, organizations and groups in your area to learn more and continue to work toward reconciliation.

For more information on the Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada Giant Floor Map, please visit our website page here.