Indigenous Research: Theories, Practices, and Relationships

SKU: 9781773380858

Rochelle Johnston, Deborah McGregor, Jean-Paul Restoule
Grade Levels:
College, University
Book Type:
Canadian Scholars
Copyright Date:

Sale price$77.95


Indigenous Research: Theories, Practices, and Relationships is a 2018 contribution to academic understanding of Indigenous specifically Ojibwe/Anishinaabeg research methods. In this volume edited by Deborah McGregor, Jean-Paul Restoule, and Rochelle Johnston is a collection of 17 chapters thought-provoking devoted to exploring how different scholars approach research from a basis of respect, responsibility, reciprocity, and relevance which are tied together by relationships. Indigenous and non-Indigenous researchers in the fields of education, sociology, anthropology, history and the growing field of Indigenous Studies have contributed to this collection as they follow the recommendations from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s call for the Indigenization of higher education.  Essential essays are Nicole Bell’s Anishinaabe Research Theory and Methodology as Informed by Nanaboozhoo, the Bundle Bag, and the Medicine Wheel; miyo pimâtisiwin: (Re)claiming Voice with Our Original Instructions by Karlee D. Fellner; Toward an Aanishinaabe Research Paradigm: Theory and Practice by Deborah McGregor; and Researching Within Relations of Violence: Witnessing as Methodology by Sarah Hunt. Highly recommended.

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