Bathtubs But No Water

SKU: 9781552664056

Gerry Steele
Grade Levels:
College, University
Innu, Subarctic
Book Type:
Fernwood Publishing

Sale price$14.95


In Bathtubs but No Water, Gerry Steele offers the reader a participant observer's perspective on Davis Inlet. An employee of the federal government working with the Mushuau Innu since 1993, Steele explores their oral history of the resettlement process, substance abuse and deaths, and argues that these problems are a direct result of the government's lack of respect for First Nations. In 1992, the Innu tried to regain responsibility for their future, focusing on the traditions and strengths of their own community, but government bureaucracy would not support this partnership. Steele urges the government to engage in respectful partnerships with Aboriginal communities in order to achieve positive change. The title comes from a an Innu Elder. What good is a bathtub when there is no water? The government must be crazy to send us those bathtubs. The leadership of Innu people is highlighted in the chapter about Chief Katie Rich.

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