Buckskin and Broadcloth: A Celebration of E. Pauline Johnson - Tekahionwake 1861-1913 is a biography of Pauline Johnson, poet-performer of Mohawk and English background. This scrapbook of anecdotes, letters, poetry, archival photographs and illustrations celebrates the life of a Canadian entertainer who travelled widely throughout Canada, United States and England during the Victorian era. Interspersed throughout the text are 40 poems that did not appear in Johnson's classic volume, Flint and Feather. From letters and articles written by the entertainer we can see the scope of her interests and influences. Sheila Johnston has collected material by and about Pauline Johnson that portrays a complex woman of mixed heritage who truly was a "Canadian" hero. The words and images of Pauline speak for themselves with little analysis from Johnston making for a book that will appeal to the general public.