Finding Moose (FNCR 2023)

SKU: 9781772782448

Sue Farrell Holler
Grade Levels:
Two, Three, Four
Book Type:
Pajama Press
Copyright Date:

Sale price$21.95


Sue Farrell Holler is the Governor General’s Award-nominated YA author and Jennifer Faria is an illustrator, painter, and graphic designer and a member of the Chippewas of Rama First Nation.

The creators of Raven, Rabbit, Deer are back with another thoughtful tale of a young boy and his grandfather taking a walk through the woods and all the creatures and plants they encounter.

Walking as “quiet as mice and rabbits and deer” they come upon fresh moose droppings and set out to find the moose itself. They discover the branches where the moose ate breakfast, greet a chipmunk and goose, and inspect rosehips and pussy willows, but the moose is nowhere to be found. Finally, after accepting that they will have to try again next time, the boy and his grandfather head home… only to be met with a big surprise.

In Finding Moose, Governor General’s Award-nominated author Sue Farrell Holler gives us a glimpse into the wondrous world of nature through the eyes of a curious child. Grandpa quietly encourages this curiosity while offering answers and further lessons where he can. Illustrator Jennifer Faria draws us in with gentle paintings that make us want to reach out and touch the scenery.

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