Native Elders Sharing Their Wisdom

SKU: 9780977918362

Lyle Ernst, Kim Sigafus
Grade Levels:
Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine
Blackfoot, Comanche, Metis, Mohegan, Multiple Nations, Navajo, Ojibwe, Siksika
Book Type:
7th Generation
Copyright Date:

Sale price$18.75


Native Elders Sharing Their Wisdom is one of the titles in Seventh Generation Book's Native Trailblazer Series. This title contains brief biographical sketches of twelve First Nation, Métis and Native American men and women who retain their specific cultural traditions and have achieved their peoples' respect as Elders. These knowledge keepers include La Donna Harris, Comanche; Ernest Siva, Morongo; Jacqueline Guest, Métis, Canada; Percy Henry, Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in, Canada; Nella Heredia, Cahuilla; Jim Northrup, Anishinaabe/Ojibwe; Judy Gingell, Kwanlin Dun, Canada; Christine Jack, Xwisten, Canada; Mark Bellcourt, Ojibwa; Bert Crowfoot, Siksika, Canada; Louva Dahozy, Navajo; and Faith Davison, Mohegan. This 2014 publication elders share stories from their lives and tell what it was like to live in a time before television, cell phones, or video games. Their stories explain how each Elder leaned from their family's cultural traditions and life experiences bringing the traditional knowledge lessons to share with others. All of the Elders profiled here work to ensure that their cultures are passed down to members of their people. Whether through language lessons, ceremonies, or their ways of life, Elders unlock the past and bring it to the present. A glossary of terms found in the chapters is included, along with resources for discovering more information about each Elder. A black and white photo accompanies each biography. Highly recommended. Reading Level: 6.0

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