This book is the first book to share perspectives from First Nations in northwestern Ontario. This community based report increases one's understanding of the issues, provides possible solutions, and makes recommendations based on first-hand insights. It includes participatory-action items, information for community newsletters, and answers to frequently asked questions that can be of use to individuals and families, Health Directors, Additions Workers, Recreation Officers and others interested in gambling issues. Participants found it useful to learn of experiences in recommendations similar to their own by reading this report. Participants said:
"These findings are very informative. They are a tool we can work with."
"... this is what was heard and this is what we can do."
"It really helped to hear other people's stories."
"These findings are very informative. They are a tool we can work with."
"... this is what was heard and this is what we can do."
"It really helped to hear other people's stories."