From Wooden Plough's to Welfare

SKU: 0773511555

Helen Buckley
Grade Levels:
College, University
Book Type:
McGill-Queen's University Press

Sale price$29.95


From Wooden Ploughs to Welfare: Why Indian Policy Failed in the Prairie Provinces examines the 125-year history of Indian-white relations in Canada. The author uses her economic background to argue the reasons status Indians of the western provinces live in poverty are traceable to federal government policies of the past. In several brief chapters the author documents the history of government and First Nations interactions and the policies that have led to the present dependency system of welfare for First Nations. Her answer to the so-called problem is the implementation of self-government. The book makes intriguing reading for the lay reader who wants to understand the dismal situation of many reserve communities in Canada. Unfortunately the book fails to connect some of the problem to federal-provincial bickering about resource issues as these relate to First Nations. The books makes fascinating reading for the general reader as the content can apply to all First Nations in Canada.

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