The Hungry Time

SKU: 0888622627

Selwyn Dewdney
Grade Levels:
One, Two, Three
Mississauga, Ojibwe, Woodland
Book Type:
James Lorimer & Company Ltd.
Copyright Date:

Sale price$19.95


The Hungry Time is a children's fiction book first published in 1980. Despite the age of the text, the storyline remains relevant. This story is set in the long ago time period of Southern Ontario when the Mississauga people lived in the Toronto region before contact with the Europeans. A small camp of people is suffering during one particularly harsh winter. They refer to this time as a hungry time. Everyone was very hungry and many were becoming weak. The men tried to search for game everyday. Finally the children of one family go out on their own searching for firewood to keep their home warm. They encounter a bear and wisely survive the unexpected visit. When the brother and sister return home with more firewood they find that a hunter was successful. Everyone is thankful. The courage shown by the children in their encounter with the bear is celebrated.

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