Applied Anthropology in Canada: 2nd Ed.

SKU: 9780802095411

Edward J. Hedican
Grade Levels:
Eleven, Twelve, College, University
Multiple Nations
Book Type:
University of Toronto Press
Copyright Date:

Sale price$32.95


Applied Anthropology in Canada: Understanding Aboriginal Issues is an impassioned call for a revitalized anthropology by University of Guelph professor of Sociology and Anthropology, Edward Hedican. In this second edition, Hedican includes commentary about the Royal Commission, Bill-C31, and most importantly the Ipperwash Inquiry of 2007. Hedican argues that anthropology must be more directly attuned to the practical problems faced by First Nations in Canada and anthropologists must be involved in land claims and public policy issues. He believes that anthropologists with expertise in languages, cultures and Aboriginal governments can play a role when complex issues arise. Hedican examines the advocacy role of anthropology using the James Bay Cree and his personal role in a northern Ontario land-claims dispute as examples. The political context of Aboriginal issues such as self-government and the politics of Aboriginal identity are also explored. This text, first published in 1995, remains a recommended text for Anthropology, Politics, Native Studies, Geography, Sociology and Planning courses at the senior secondary and university levels. This 2008 edition also offers updated references and an in-depth section on the changing nature of terminology and Aboriginal Peoples in Canada.

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