The Four Hills of Life: Ojibwe Wisdom

SKU: 9780873518284

Thomas Peacock, Marlene Wisuri
Grade Levels:
Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Adult Education, College, University
Ojibwe, Woodland
Book Type:
Minnesota Historical Society Press
Copyright Date:

Sale price$28.99


The Four Hills of Life: Ojibwe Wisdom is a valuable resource book about the spirituality, values, and beliefs of the Ojibwe. This helpful resource is written by Thomas Peacock (A professor of education at University OF Minnesota Duluth) and Marlene Wisuri (Director of The Carlton County Historical Society in Cloquet, Minnesota). The book is organized around the traditional teachings about the Four Hills of Life. The first hill is termed Abinoojiiyensag and covers the story of the beginning of life from conception to the birth of the baby. The next part of the teaching talks about small girls and boys also termed, Ikwezensag Miinawaa Gwiiwizensag. The Second Hill of Life is describes the Youth phase and adolescent girls and boys. The Third Hill explains adults or Gichi-aya'aag, and men and women's roles and responsibilities. The Fourth Hill of Life is an explanation of the characteristics and roles of Grandmothers and Grandfathers, Nookomis and Mishoomis. The book is generously illustrated with 100 colour and black and white photographs. Although designed for the young adult reader, this resource is suitable for adult learners and post-secondary students. Each chapter has an activities section and a test your memory and reflection questions. Highly recommended.

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