Nta'tugwaqanminen Our Story Evolution

SKU: 9781552667712

Gespe'gewa'gi Mi'gmawei Mawiomi
Grade Levels:
Twelve, College, University
Book Type:
Fernwood Publishing
Copyright Date:

Sale price$24.00


Nta'tugwaqanminen Our Story provides evidence that the Mi'gmaq of the Gespe'gewa'gi (Northern New Brunswick and the Gaspe Peninsula) have occupied their territory since time immemorial. They were the sole occupants of it prior to European settlement and occupied it on a continuous basis. This book was written through an alliance between the Mi'gmaq of Northern Gesp'gewa'gi (Gaspe Peninsula), their Elders and a group of eminent researchers in the field with the aim of reclaiming their history, both oral and written, in the context of what is known as knowledge re-appropriation. It also provides non-Aboriginal peoples with a view of how Mi'gmaq history looks when it is written from and Indigenous perspective. Topics include early archaeological and linguistic knowledge, creation, treaties, interviews, and traditional place names and geography. The Gespe'gewa'gi Mi'gmawei Mawiomi is the organization that represents the three communities of the northern part of Gespe'gewa'gi. Research associates Richard Jeannotte and Donald Jeannotte, both Gespe'gewa'gi Mi'gmaqs, and Danielle E. Cyr, senior scholar at York University, wrote the seven first chapters. Troy Jerome, current Mi'gmawei Mawiomi Secretariat Executive Director/Nutewistoq, wrote Chapter 8. Book includes maps and an index.

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