Fire Song

SKU: 9781554519774

Adam Garnet Jones
Grade Levels:
Nine, Ten, Eleven,Twelve
Book Type:
Paper Back
Annick Press
Copyright Date:

Sale price$12.95


Fire Song is a young adult novel by first-time prose writer Adam Garnet Jones.  Following the release of his independent film of the same name, Jones was approached by Annick Press because they believed this story would make a fine novel. Cree/Metis/Danish filmmaker found the task challenging and the result is potentially an award-winning book that will appeal to teens. The story brings a distinct new voice writing with clarity about life of teens on a First Nation who struggle with family, friends, sexuality, addiction and violence.  Shane, an Anishinaabe teen, tries to cope with his sister’s sudden suicide, his mother’s unnerving grief, his needy girlfriend, and a boyfriend all the while he plans to attend college in the city. The story is told from the perspective of a two-spirit teen struggling to reveal his true self to family and friends. In addition the author gives voice to girlfriend Tara as well as other characters by using moving prose and expressive poetry. Themes of loneliness, sexuality, coming of age, death/loss, survival, and abuse will engage young adult readers from a variety of backgrounds.  Recommended.  Guided Reading Level: Z+

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