Learning By Designing: Pacific Northwest Coast Native Indian Art, volume 1 is a comprehensive reference tool for anyone interested in the art designs of the Pacific Northwest Coast First Nations. Karin Clark and Jim Gilbert have provided an especially detailed resource that draws on their combined talents as educator and art teacher. While neither author has First Nations ancestry, they have both studied with and interviewed Northwest Coast artists and Elders. The result is a 215-page book that takes the reader and budding artist into the design regions of the British Columbia First Nations and their artistic traditions. The book is well-planned and organized. The authors begin by explaining their interest and background to the project as well as acknowledgements. They introduce the four major regions of Northwest Coast cultural designs through maps and text. The next section explains basic design elements such as formline, U-shape, ovoid, S-shape, and provides examples of each element and how they are joined to create images. The next sections detail head components, and body parts and appendages. The final section provides details on how to draw the basic elements by providing templates and numerous examples. The examples include drawing an eagle head, a salmon head, a human head, a killer whale, and a wolf head. The book contains glossaries, a bibliography for further research and an index. In all there over 800 illustrations throughout this excellent resource that provides information about Northwest Coast First Nations art.