Bearwalker is one of Joseph Bruchac's 2007 young adult novels. This horror and mystery story revolves on the life of twelve-year-old Baron Braun, a grade eight Mohawk, Bear Clan student who is reluctant to go on a camping trip to the Adirondack Mountains. Baron has lots to deal with, not only does he deal daily with school bullies; he also must cope with his parents' absence as they serve their country in Iraq. Living with his grandmother, Baron receives love and support from her and an uncle as well as a teacher and the librarian. Approaching the camp, Baron is struck by feelings of foreboding and when he sees Walker White Bear and other camp staff he begins to remember the story about bearwalkers. These creatures are part bear and part human who seek to devour their friends and family members. The camp is in an area slated for development or so the rumour goes as Baron and his fellow campers are thrown into a swirling mystery with tragic consequences. When the only road access into the camp is destroyed Baron must draw on his strength of character as well as his cultural knowledge to save himself and his fellow classmates. This is one of Joseph Bruchac's classic horror stories that involve traditional legends paired with contemporary situations. A great read.